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「白い象」、White elephant には英語で「社会の役に立たないもの」という意味がある。生産性という言葉で排除されたり、声も上げられない人たちも安心して生きられる世界にならなければならない。



The art concept is “Voice of the Weak.”

There are people in the world who are weak against those who are strong. There are those who are socially oppressed and discriminated against for reasons beyond their control. There are people who manage to live while being hurt by society.

In a society where only the strong and loud voices are heard, are these voices really saving all people? Are there too many people whose lives and existence are being neglected because their voices are being drowned out by loud voices? These oppressed “weak” and “small” people have a voice.

The weak, the wounded, and those who have been told they are useless have the right to live in this society. These people know firsthand the strangeness and coldness of society from their own experiences of living with hurt.

There is truth in the voices of the weak, and they are able to express themselves because they are weak. It is a fact that human history has been woven by these weak and small people. It is because of the voices of the weak that human beings have been recognized as human beings.

White elephant” means ‘useless to society’ in English. The world must become a place where those who are excluded by the word “productivity” or those who have no voice can live in peace.

He expresses “the voice of the weak” in the form of an animal with pure eyes, and creates works in the hope that society will become a place where any being, no matter how useless, can live.

2025 ©Daisuke Matsuzaki 

​All rights reserved. 無断転載、複製禁止

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